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Table of contents 内容列表

  1. Particles 粒子
    1. Creating the Particles 建立粒子
      1. Particle System 粒子系统
      2. Pre-warming 预处理
      3. Particle Texture 粒子纹理
      4. Particle Emitter 粒子发射器
      5. World offset 世界偏移
      6. Location and Spread 位置与散布
    1. Basic Playground Example 基础Playground粒子
    2. Fine Tune Particle System 和谐的粒子系统
      1. Lifetime 生存期
      2. Size 尺寸
      3. Particle Colors 粒子颜色
      4. Particle blending 粒子混合
      5. Rates 速率
      6. Direction 方向
      7. Gravity 重力
      8. Rotation 姿态
      9. Speed 速度
      10. Velocity over time 随时间变化的速度
      11. Limit velocity over time 随时间变化的速度限制
      12. Drag factor 阻力因素
      13. Emit rate over time 随时间变化的发射速率
      14. Start size over time 随时间变化的起始尺寸
      15. Ramp gradients 阻尼梯度
      16. Alignment 排列
    1. Adjustable Playground Examples 可调整的Playground例子
    2. Shape Emitters 特定形状的发射器
      1. Point Emitter 点发射器
      2. Box Emitter 盒子发射器
      3. Sphere Emitter 球体发射器
      4. Hemispheric Emitter 半球体发射器
      5. Cylinder Emitter 圆柱形发射器
      6. Cone Emitter 锥形发射器
    1. Noise texture 噪声纹理
    2. GPU Particles GPU粒子
      1. Random Texture 随机纹理
      2. Fallback 回退
      3. Stopping a GPU Particle System GPU粒子系统的停止
      4. Unsupported Features 不支持的特性
      5. Playground Playground
    1. Next step 下一步
  1. Further Reading 扩展阅读
    1. Basic - L1 基础-等级1
    2. Intermediate - L2 中等-等级2



This tutorial is going to talk about the particle system in BabylonJS. Particles are often small sprites used to simulate hard-to-reproduce phenomena like fire, smoke, water, or abstract visual effects like magic glitter and faery dust. This is done by emitting a cloud of very many particles from a region. From version 3.2 there are specific emitters to constrain this region in the shape of a box, sphere or cone. You can also write your own custom functions to control the cloud and region.


GPU particles are the latest addition to the particles family and can be used, with an appropriate browser, to boost performance.


说明: 说明: Particles

            Particles. 粒子


var createScene = function () {

    var scene = new BABYLON.Scene(engine);


    // Setup environment

    var light0 = new BABYLON.PointLight("Omni", new BABYLON.Vector3(0, 2, 8), scene);

    var camera = new BABYLON.ArcRotateCamera("ArcRotateCamera", 1, 0.8, 20, new BABYLON.Vector3(0, 0, 0), scene);

    camera.attachControl(canvas, true);


    // Fountain object

    var fountain = BABYLON.Mesh.CreateBox("foutain", 1.0, scene);


    // Ground

    var ground = BABYLON.Mesh.CreatePlane("ground", 50.0, scene);

    ground.position = new BABYLON.Vector3(0, -10, 0);

    ground.rotation = new BABYLON.Vector3(Math.PI / 2, 0, 0);


    ground.material = new BABYLON.StandardMaterial("groundMat", scene);

    ground.material.backFaceCulling = false;

    ground.material.diffuseColor = new BABYLON.Color3(0.3, 0.3, 1);


    // Create a particle system

    var particleSystem = new BABYLON.ParticleSystem("particles", 2000, scene);


    //Texture of each particle

    particleSystem.particleTexture = new BABYLON.Texture("textures/flare.png", scene);


    // Where the particles come from

    particleSystem.emitter = fountain; // the starting object, the emitter

    particleSystem.minEmitBox = new BABYLON.Vector3(-1, 0, 0); // Starting all from

    particleSystem.maxEmitBox = new BABYLON.Vector3(1, 0, 0); // To...


    // Colors of all particles

    particleSystem.color1 = new BABYLON.Color4(0.7, 0.8, 1.0, 1.0);

    particleSystem.color2 = new BABYLON.Color4(0.2, 0.5, 1.0, 1.0);

    particleSystem.colorDead = new BABYLON.Color4(0, 0, 0.2, 0.0);


    // Size of each particle (random between...

    particleSystem.minSize = 0.1;

    particleSystem.maxSize = 0.5;


    // Life time of each particle (random between...

    particleSystem.minLifeTime = 0.3;

    particleSystem.maxLifeTime = 1.5;


    // Emission rate

    particleSystem.emitRate = 1500;



    particleSystem.blendMode = BABYLON.ParticleSystem.BLENDMODE_ONEONE;


    // Set the gravity of all particles

    particleSystem.gravity = new BABYLON.Vector3(0, -9.81, 0);


    // Direction of each particle after it has been emitted

    particleSystem.direction1 = new BABYLON.Vector3(-7, 8, 3);

    particleSystem.direction2 = new BABYLON.Vector3(7, 8, -3);


    // Angular speed, in radians

    particleSystem.minAngularSpeed = 0;

    particleSystem.maxAngularSpeed = Math.PI;


    // Speed

    particleSystem.minEmitPower = 1;

    particleSystem.maxEmitPower = 3;

    particleSystem.updateSpeed = 0.005;


    // Start the particle system



    // Fountain's animation

    var keys = [];

    var animation = new BABYLON.Animation("animation", "rotation.x", 30, BABYLON.Animation.ANIMATIONTYPE_FLOAT,


    // At the animation key 0, the value of scaling is "1"


        frame: 0,

        value: 0



    // At the animation key 50, the value of scaling is "0.2"


        frame: 50,

        value: Math.PI



    // At the animation key 100, the value of scaling is "1"


        frame: 100,

        value: 0



    // Launch animation



    scene.beginAnimation(fountain, 0, 100, true);


    return scene;





Creating the Particles


Particle System


To perform this magic trick you first need to create a ParticleSystem object.


var particleSystem = new BABYLON.ParticleSystem("particles", 2000, scene);

This sets the number of particles in the system (capacity). The particle system also requires a texture so that the particles can be seen and an emitter which sets the location and spread of the particles from a starting point.


Please note that you can use the ParticleHelper to create a default configured system with:

请注意你可以使用ParticleHelper对象来 建立一个默认配置的系统


Once completed you set the particle system in motion using



and stop it with



To delay a particle systems start, particleSystem.startDelay = 3000; can be set. This value defines the delay in milliseconds.

要推迟一个粒子系统的启动,可以设置particleSystem.startDelay = 3000。这个值以毫秒的形式定义启动延迟。

You can also delay start the particle system with particleSystem.start(3000);. This value with override the particleSystem.startDelay field if set.


Note: that stopping a particle system will prevent the creation of new particles but the existing ones will continue. If you want to reset a system to an empty state, you will also have to call particleSystem.reset()


You can also set the amount of time the particle system is running though live particles may continue after that time.


particleSystem.targetStopDuration = 5;

Once stopped you can dispose of the particle system. Very useful if you want to create a one shot particle system with a specific targetStopDuration.


particleSystem.disposeOnStop = true;



Starting with Babylon.js v3.3, you can now specify a pre-warming period to make sure your system is in a correct state before rendering.


To do so, you need to setup two properties:


  • system.preWarmCycles: Gets or sets a value indicating how many cycles (or frames) must be executed before first rendering (this value has to be set before starting the system). Default is 0 (ie. no pre-warming)


  • system.preWarmStepOffset: Gets or sets a value indicating the time step multiplier to use in pre-warm mode (default is 1)


So if you set your system like this:


system.preWarmCycles = 100;
system.preWarmStepOffset = 5;

It will execute the particle animation loop 100 times with a time step set to 5 times faster than realtime. The more cycles you want, the slower the system will be to start. So it could be interesting to increase the time step to have less cycles to run. But keep in mind that a too big time step will introduce issues if the life spam of a particle is smaller than the time step.


Here is an example of pre-warming: https://www.babylonjs-playground.com/#MX2Z99#8 -



Particle Texture


To apply a texture to the particles, such as

说明: 说明: Flare

set the particleTexture


particleSystem.particleTexture = new BABYLON.Texture("PATH TO IMAGE", scene);//红字:图片的路径

You can also apply a mask to a texture to filter some colors, or filter a part of the alpha channel.


particleSystem.textureMask = new BABYLON.Color4(0.1, 0.8, 0.8, 1.0);

This example produces the following

说明: 说明: TextureMask

To use multiple textures in the scene use multiple particle systems all of which can use the same emitter object.


Particle Emitter


The emitter can be located either with a vector3 or a mesh, in which case the position of the mesh is used as the location.


particleSystem.emitter = new BABYLON.Vector3(-1, 2, 3);
var source = BABYLON.Mesh.CreateBox("source", 1.0, scene);
particleSystem.emitter = source;

World offset


Starting with Babylon.js v4.0, you can set up a world offset to your particles with:


particleSystem.worldOffset = new BABYLON.Vector3(100, 20, -453);

This command will shift the particles using the offset (Mostly used when you need to keep the camera at the center of the world to increase precision and then move the world instead).


Location and Spread


The spread of the particles from the emitter is from within a box the size of which is determined by setting the lower, left, front corner and upper, right, back corner of the box relative to the location of the emitter. This is done using minEmitBox and maxEmitBox


particleSystem.minEmitBox = new BABYLON.Vector3(-2, -3, 4); 
particleSystem.maxEmitBox = new BABYLON.Vector3(4, 2, 3);

The box can be collapsed to a line in the direction of an axis, for example the X-axis


说明: 说明: EmitBox

particleSystem.minEmitBox = new BABYLON.Vector3(-1, 0, 0); 
particleSystem.maxEmitBox = new BABYLON.Vector3(1, 0, 0);

Basic Playground Example


At his point you can now create a particle system though it is very uninspiring. Just a few particles appearing in the spread space, drifting around and disappearing.




Fortunately things can be made more interesting very soon with the setting of more properties. Read on.


Fine Tune Particle System


See how to change the lifetime, size, and color of the particles, their rates of emission, direction of travel (optionally affected by gravity). You can also affect their rotation, speed and cloud shape. Below you can find playground examples where you can alter some of these parameters.




The time taken for particles to disappear (or die) after being emitted can be varied. Once a particle dies a the particle is recycled foe emission. Their lifetime is given as a random range between a low and high value as in


// Life time of each particle (random between...)每个粒子的生存 时间(在中间取随机值。。。)
particleSystem.minLifeTime = 0.3;
particleSystem.maxLifeTime = 1.5;

Starting with Babylon.js v3.3, you can also define the lifetime respectively to the particle system duration. For instance, if your call system.targetStopDuration = 0.5 then you can define particle life time with a gradient like this:


particleSystem.addLifeTimeGradient(0, 0.5);
particleSystem.addLifeTimeGradient(1, 0);

The first parameter defines the gradient (0 means at the particle system start and 1 means at particle system end). The second parameter is the particle life time. This means that at the beginning of the particle system, particles will receive a life time set to 0.5. And when the system will be close to the targetStopDuration the particles will receive a life time close to 0.


It is recommended to at least define a gradient for 0 and 1.


You can add as much gradients as you want as long as the gradient value is between 0 and 1.


You can also define a more complex construct by providing two values per gradient:


particleSystem.addLifeTimeGradient(0, 0.5, 0.8);
particleSystem.addLifeTimeGradient(1.0, 0, 0.1);

In this case the life time of the particle will be randomly picked between the two values when the gradient will be reached.


To remove a gradient you can call particleSystem.removeLifeTimeGradient(0.5).




The size of the particles can also be varied randomly within a given range.


// Size of each particle (random between...) 每个粒子的尺寸(在中间随机)
particleSystem.minSize = 0.1;
particleSystem.maxSize = 0.5;

If you want to change the particle size to not be a square you can then use the min/max for ScaleX/Y:


// Scale of each particle (random between...) 每个粒子的缩放(在中间随机)
particleSystem.minScaleX = 0.1;
particleSystem.maxScaleX = 0.5;
particleSystem.minScaleY = 0.2;
particleSystem.maxScaleY = 0.4;

Starting with Babylon.js v3.3, you can also define size factor gradients.


To add a size gradient just call the following code:


particleSystem.addSizeGradient(0, 0.5);

The first parameter defines the gradient (0 means at the particle birth and 1 means at particle death). The second parameter is the factor to apply to particle initial size. In this case the particle will born with half of the initial size (which is computed from minScale and maxScale). It is recommended to at least define a gradient for 0 and 1:


particleSystem.addSizeGradient(0, 0.5);
particleSystem.addSizeGradient(1.0, 3);

You can add as much gradients as you want as long as the gradient value is between 0 and 1.


You can also define a more complex construct by providing two values per gradient:


particleSystem.addSizeGradient(0, 0.5, 0.8);
particleSystem.addSizeGradient(1.0, 3, 4);

In this case the size of the particle will be randomly picked between the two values when the gradient will be reached.


To remove a gradient you can call particleSystem.removeSizeGradient(0.5).


When dealing with particle size, you may need to move the pivot (aka the center of the transform). By default the scale will come from the center of the particle but you may want to scale it from the top or the bottom. To change the pivot position, just call:


particleSystem.translationPivot = new BABYLON.Vector2(0, -0.5); // In this case the scale will come from the bottom of the particle 在这种情况下,缩放将从粒子的底部发生。

Here is an example with size gradients and a pivot set to bottom: https://www.babylonjs-playground.com/#L9QWZB#0 -



Particle Colors


There are three colors that can be set for the particle system, two which are combined (or blended) during the lifetime of the particle and a third that it takes on just before it disappears.


particleSystem.color1 = new BABYLON.Color4(0.7, 0.8, 1.0, 1.0);//透明度为1表示完全不透明
particleSystem.color2 = new BABYLON.Color4(0.2, 0.5, 1.0, 1.0);
particleSystem.colorDead = new BABYLON.Color4(0, 0, 0.2, 0.0);

Starting with Babylon.js v3.3, you can also define color gradients. If you define color gradients the color1, color2 and colorDead properties will be ignore.


To add a color gradient just call the following code:


particleSystem.addColorGradient(0, new BABYLON.Color4(1, 1, 1, 0));

The first parameter defines the gradient (0 means at the particle birth and 1 means at particle death). It is recommended to at least define a gradient for 0 and 1:


particleSystem.addColorGradient(0, new BABYLON.Color4(1, 1, 1, 0));
particleSystem.addColorGradient(1.0, new BABYLON.Color4(1, 1, 1, 1));

You can add as much gradients as you want as long as the gradient value is between 0 and 1.


You can also define a more complex construct by providing two colors per gradient:



particleSystem.addColorGradient(0, new BABYLON.Color4(1, 1, 1, 0), new BABYLON.Color4(1, 0, 1, 0));
particleSystem.addColorGradient(1.0, new BABYLON.Color4(1, 1, 1, 1)new BABYLON.Color4(1, 0, 1, 1));

In this case the color of the particle will be randomly picked between the two colors when the gradient will be reached.


To remove a gradient you can call particleSystem.removeColorGradient(0.5).


Here is an example of color gradients: https://www.babylonjs-playground.com/#MX2Z99#8 -


Particle blending


There are different ways that particles are blended with the scene and these are set with blendMode.


particleSystem.blendMode = BABYLON.ParticleSystem.BLENDMODE_ONEONE;
particleSystem.blendMode = BABYLON.ParticleSystem.BLENDMODE_STANDARD;

BLENDMODE_ONEONE is the default and will be used if blendMode is not specified.


  • BLENDMODE_ONEONE - colors are added without alpha affecting the result;


  • BLENDMODE_STANDARD - colors are added using particle’s alpha (ie. color (1 - alpha) + particleColor alpha).


  • BLENDMODE_ADD - colors are added but only particle color uses particle’s alpha (ie. color + particleColor * alpha).


  • BLENDMODE_MULTIPLY - colors are multiplied and added to (1 - alpha) (ie. color * particleColor + 1 - alpha). Demo here -

颜色被相乘然后和(1 - alpha)相加(粒子背后物体的颜色*粒子的颜色+1-粒子的透明度)。示例在这里-

  • BLENDMODE_MULTIPLYADD - two passes rendering with BLENDMODE_MULTIPLY and then BLENDMODE_ADD. Demo here -




The emitRate determines the number of particles emitted per second. The larger the number the more dense appears the emitted cloud of particles. As particles die they are recycled to be emitted again. If their lifetime is long enough and their emission rate fast enough it is possible for there to be a gap in the emission of particles.


说明: 说明: emitRate

particleSystem.emitRate = 1000;

You can stop the continuous emission of particles by setting a manual emit count.


particleSystem.manualEmitCount = 300;

In this case the number of particles given by the count are emitted and there are no further emissions of particles.




Two directions can be specified. If you specify just one direction the particles will travel randomly in the general direction given. When both directions are given the particles will generally travel inside the two directions.


particleSystem.direction1 = new BABYLON.Vector3(-7, 8, 3);
particleSystem.direction2 = new BABYLON.Vector3(7, 8, -3);

Direction can also be affected by gravity.




A value for gravity can be applied. For example if negative in the Y direction the particles will slowly be pulled downwards.


//Set the gravity of all particles (not necessarily down) 设置所有粒子的重力(并不是非得向下)
particleSystem.gravity = new BABYLON.Vector3(0, -9.81, 0);



You can define a range of angular speeds for the particles about the Z-axis for the particles in radians per second:


particleSystem.minAngularSpeed = 0;
particleSystem.maxAngularSpeed = Math.PI;

You can also define the initial rotation angle with:


particleSystem.minInitialRotation = 0;
particleSystem.maxInitialRotation = Math.PI;

Starting with Babylon.js v3.3, you can also define angular speed factor gradients.


To add a angular speed gradient just call the following code:


particleSystem.addAngularSpeedGradient(0, 0.5);

The first parameter defines the gradient (0 means at the particle birth and 1 means at particle death). The second parameter is the angular speed to use. In this case the particle will born with an angular speed set to 0.5 radians per frame. It is recommended to at least define a gradient for 0 and 1:


particleSystem.addAngularSpeedGradient(0, 0.5);
particleSystem.addAngularSpeedGradient(1.0, 3);

You can add as much gradients as you want as long as the gradient value is between 0 and 1.


You can also define a more complex construct by providing two values per gradient:


particleSystem.addAngularSpeedGradient(0, 0.5, 0.8);
particleSystem.addAngularSpeedGradient(1.0, 3, 4);

In this case the angular speed of the particle will randomly be picked between the two values when the gradient will be reached.


To remove a gradient you can call particleSystem.removeAngularSpeedGradient(0.5).




You can define a range for the power of the emitting particles, and the overall motion speed (0.01 is default update speed, faster updates = faster animation).


  particleSystem.minEmitPower = 1;
  particleSystem.maxEmitPower = 3;
  particleSystem.updateSpeed = 0.005;

Velocity over time


You can define velocity over time with gradients. The velocity over time is the energy (or the factor) applied to direction of the particle. A value of 2 will multiply the direction size by two hence multiplying the particle speed by 2.


To add a velocity gradient just call the following code:


particleSystem.addVelocityGradient(0, 0.5);

The first parameter defines the gradient (0 means at the particle birth and 1 means at particle death). The second parameter is the velocity to use. In this case the particle will born with velocity set to 0.5. It is recommended to at least define a gradient for 0 and 1:


particleSystem.addVelocityGradient(0, 0.5);
particleSystem.addVelocityGradient(1.0, 3);

You can add as much gradients as you want as long as the gradient value is between 0 and 1.


You can also define a more complex construct by providing two values per gradient:


particleSystem.addVelocityGradient(0, 0.5, 0.8);
particleSystem.addVelocityGradient(1.0, 3, 4);

In this case the velocity of the particle will randomly be picked between the two values when the gradient will be reached.


Here is an example of velocity applied to a particle system: https://www.babylonjs-playground.com/#3W04PW#0 -


To remove a gradient you can call particleSystem.removeVelocityGradient(0.5).


Limit velocity over time


You can define a limit for velocity over time with gradients. This limit will be used to check the current speed of the particle and if the limit is reached then a factor will be applied to the speed. You can define this factor with particleSystem.limitVelocityDamping.


To add a limit velocity gradient just call the following code:


particleSystem.addLimitVelocityGradient(0, 0.5);

The first parameter defines the gradient (0 means at the particle birth and 1 means at particle death). The second parameter is the limit velocity to use. In this case, the particle speed will be check directly after birth and if it is bigger than 0.5 then the damping parameter will be applied (so velocity will be code velocity * damping).


It is recommended to at least define a gradient for 0 and 1:


particleSystem.addLimitVelocityGradient(0, 0.5);
particleSystem.addLimitVelocityGradient(1.0, 3);

You can add as much gradients as you want as long as the gradient value is between 0 and 1.


You can also define a more complex construct by providing two values per gradient:


particleSystem.addLimitVelocityGradient(0, 0.5, 0.8);
particleSystem.addLimitVelocityGradient(1.0, 3, 4);

In this case the limit velocity of the particle will randomly be picked between the two values when the gradient will be reached.


Here is an example of limit velocity applied to a particle system: https://www.babylonjs-playground.com/#9GBBPM#2 -


To remove a gradient you can call particleSystem.removeLimitVelocityGradient(0.5).


Drag factor


You can define a drag factor over time with gradients. This factor will be used to simulate air friction by applying a drag factor to the particle direction. For instance, if your drag factor is set to 0.8 then only 20% of the particle direction will be added to particle position.


To add a drag gradient just call the following code:


particleSystem.addDragGradient(0, 0.5);

The first parameter defines the gradient (0 means at the particle birth and 1 means at particle death). The second parameter is the drag factor to use. In this case, the particle position will be particle.position = particle.direction * (1.0 - 0.5).


It is recommended to at least define a gradient for 0 and 1:


particleSystem.addDragGradient(0, 0.5);
particleSystem.addDragGradient(1.0, 3);

You can add as much gradients as you want as long as the gradient value is between 0 and 1.


You can also define a more complex construct by providing two values per gradient:


particleSystem.addDragGradient(0, 0.5, 0.8);
particleSystem.addDragGradient(1.0, 0, 0.1);

In this case the drag factor of the particle will randomly be picked between the two values when the gradient will be reached.


Here is an example of drag factor applied to a particle system: https://www.babylonjs-playground.com/#BDW3BF#0 -


To remove a gradient you can call particleSystem.removeDragGradient(0.5).


Emit rate over time


You can define particle emit rate with gradients. The emit rate over time will overwrite the value of system.emitRate property.


To add an emit rate gradient just call the following code:


particleSystem.addEmitRateGradient(0, 10);

Please note that emit rate gradient will only work if the system has a determined life time meaning that you must define the system.targetStopDuration property


The first parameter defines the gradient (0 means at system start and 1 means at system end). The second parameter is the emit rate to use. In this case the system will start by emitting 10 particles per frame. It is recommended to at least define a gradient for 0 and 1:


particleSystem.addEmitRateGradient(0, 10);
particleSystem.addEmitRateGradient(1.0, 500);

You can add as much gradients as you want as long as the gradient value is between 0 and 1.


You can also define a more complex construct by providing two values per gradient:


particleSystem.addEmitRateGradient(0, 5, 10);
particleSystem.addEmitRateGradient(1.0, 800, 1000);

In this case the emit rate will randomly be picked between the two values when the gradient will be reached.


Here is an example of emit rate gradients applied to a particle system: https://www.babylonjs-playground.com/#3NM14X#0 -


To remove a gradient you can call particleSystem.removeEmitRateGradient(0.5).


Start size over time


To add an start size gradient just call the following code:


particleSystem.addStartSizeGradient(0, 2);

Please note that start size gradient will only work if the system has a determined life time meaning that you must define the system.targetStopDuration property


The first parameter defines the gradient (0 means at system start and 1 means at system end). The second parameter is the start size scale to use. In this case the system will start by emitting particles of size 2 times the original size. (eg. if size is set to 2 and start size is set to 3 the resulting output size will be 6) It is recommended to at least define a gradient for 0 and 1:


particleSystem.addStartSizeGradient(0, 10);
particleSystem.addStartSizeGradient(1.0, 500);

You can add as much gradients as you want as long as the gradient value is between 0 and 1.


You can also define a more complex construct by providing two values per gradient:


particleSystem.addStartSizeGradient(0, 5, 10);
particleSystem.addStartSizeGradient(1.0, 800, 1000);

In this case the start size will randomly be picked between the two values when the gradient will be reached.


Here is an example of start size gradients applied to a particle system: https://www.babylonjs-playground.com/#3NM14X#14 -


To remove a gradient you can call particleSystem.removeStartSizeGradient(0.5).


Ramp gradients


You can use ramp gradients to change the color of the particle based on alpha.


Ramp gradients are pretty powerful but require a bit of setup.


First you need to declare your ramp gradients:


system.addRampGradient(0.0, new BABYLON.Color3(1, 1, 1));
system.addRampGradient(0.09, new BABYLON.Color3(209/255, 204/255, 15/255));
system.addRampGradient(0.18, new BABYLON.Color3(221/255, 120/255, 14/255));
system.addRampGradient(0.28, new BABYLON.Color3(200/255, 43/255, 18/255));
system.addRampGradient(0.47, new BABYLON.Color3(115/255, 22/255, 15/255));
system.addRampGradient(0.88, new BABYLON.Color3(14/255, 14/255, 14/255));
system.addRampGradient(1.0, new BABYLON.Color3(14/255, 14/255, 14/255));

These gradients will be use to build a ramp color texture.


Then you need to turn them on:


system.useRampGradients = true;

By defaut the alpha value of the particle (built from textureAlpha * particleColorAlpha) is used to get the ramp color (Alpha is the index in the ramp gradients list) using this formula: finalColor = textureColor * particleColor * rampColor[alphaIndex].


But to give you more control you can use a remap function to change remap this alpha index:


system.addColorRemapGradient(0, 0, 0.1);
system.addColorRemapGradient(0.2, 0.1, 0.8);
system.addColorRemapGradient(0.3, 0.2, 0.85);
system.addColorRemapGradient(0.35, 0.4, 0.85);
system.addColorRemapGradient(0.4, 0.5, 0.9);
system.addColorRemapGradient(0.5, 0.95, 1.0);
system.addColorRemapGradient(1.0, 0.95, 1.0);

The color remap gradients define a min and max that will vary over time (depending on hoe many gradients you add). The alpha index is then remap from [min, max] to [0, 1] with this formula: finalAlphaIndex = clamp((alphaIndex - min) / (max - min), 0.0, 1.0).

这里的颜色重构梯度,定义了一套随着时间变化的最小值和最大值(取决于你添加了多少个梯度,第一个参数为系统运行时间比率,第二个参数为最小透明度,第二个参数为最大透明度)。这时透明度索引被从[min, max]重构为[0, 1],使用以下公式:最终透明度=粒子系统从开始到结束的累加((透明度索引-最小透明度)/(最大透明度-最小透明度)))。

Ultimately you can also remap the alpha value generated per pixel with:


system.addAlphaRemapGradient(0, 0, 0.1);
system.addAlphaRemapGradient(1.0, 0.1, 0.8);

The alpha remap will compute the final alpha value using this formula: finalAlpha = clamp((textureAlpha * particleColorAlpha * rampColor.a - min) / (max - min), 0.0, 1.0).


You can find a demo of the here: https://www.babylonjs-playground.com/#VS5XS7#0 -




By default all particles are rendered as billboards. But you can decide to instead align them with particle direction with system.isBillboardBased = false.

默认情况下,所有的粒子都是像广告牌一样渲染的。但是你可以通过设置system.isBillboardBased = false,将它们改为沿着粒子方向排列。

You can find a demo here -


When billboard is enabled you can decide to either have a full billboard (on all axes) or only on Y axis with this code:

当广告牌模式被 启动时,你可以选择是使用一个完整的广告牌(在所有的轴上)或者只在Y轴上:

system.billboardMode = BABYLON.ParticleSystem.BILLBOARDMODE_Y;

You can also use stretched billboard which will be like a full billboard mode but with an additionnal rotation to align particles with their direction.


A demo can explain this billboard mode better than words: https://www.babylonjs-playground.com/#B9HKG0#0 -


You can also find a demo of stretched billboard particles: https://www.babylonjs-playground.com/#5A4TP5 -


Adjustable Playground Examples




Shape Emitters


Starting from Babylonjs 3.2 you can shape the region the particles are emitted from as a


  • Point
  • Box 盒子
  • Sphere 球体
  • Hemisphere 半球体
  • Cylinder 圆柱
  • Cone 圆锥

by the addition of specific emitter function.


Point Emitter


To create a point emitter, you can run this code:


var pointEmitter = particleSystem.createPointEmitter(new BABYLON.Vector3(-7, 8, 3), new BABYLON.Vector3(7, 8, -3));

The createPointEmitter method takes four parameters in the following order


  • direction1: Vector3,


  • direction2: Vector3


The returned pointEmitter object can be used to change the values of these properties.


pointEmitter.direction1 = new BABYLON.Vector3(-5, 2, 1); 
pointEmitter.direction2 = new BABYLON.Vector3(5, 2, 1);


Box Emitter


To create a box emitter you use, for example

举个例子,你可以 用这样的方法建立一个盒子发射器:

var boxEmitter = particleSystem.createBoxEmitter(new BABYLON.Vector3(-7, 8, 3), new BABYLON.Vector3(7, 8, -3), new BABYLON.Vector3(-1, 0, 0), new BABYLON.Vector3(1, 0, 0));

The createBoxEmitter method takes four parameters in the following order


  • direction1: Vector3,
  • direction2: Vector3,
  • minEmitBox: Vector3, 最小发射盒
  • maxEmitBox: Vector3 最大发射盒

The returned boxEmitter object can be used to change the values of these properties.


boxEmitter.direction1 = new BABYLON.Vector3(-5, 2, 1); 
boxEmitter.direction2 = new BABYLON.Vector3(5, 2, 1);  
boxEmitter.minEmitBox = new BABYLON.Vector3(-2, -3, -4);  
boxEmitter.maxEmitBox = new BABYLON.Vector3(2, 3, 4);


Sphere Emitter

You can create a sphere emitter with a given radius, 1.2 for example, using


var sphereEmitter = particleSystem.createSphereEmitter(1.2);

The returned sphereEmitter object can be used to change the value of the radius.

The particles are emitted in the direction of the surface normals, ie the lines from the center of the sphere through a surface point.



With sphereEmitter.radiusRange you can define where along the radius the particles should be emitted. A value of 0 means only on the surface while a value of 1 means all along the radius.


If you prefer to chose the emission direction, you can create a directed sphere emitter


var sphereEmitter = particleSystem.createDirectedSphereEmitter(1.2, new BABYLON.Vector3(1, 1, 1), new BABYLON.Vector3(2, 8, 2));

The createDirectedSphereEmitter method takes three parameters in the following order


  • radius: Number,
  • direction1: Vector3,
  • direction2: Vector3,

The returned sphereEmitter object can be used to change the values of these properties.


sphereEmitter.radius = 3.4;
sphereEmitter.direction1 = new BABYLON.Vector3(-5, 2, 1); 
sphereEmitter.direction2 = new BABYLON.Vector3(5, 2, -1);

The first parameter is the radius the second is direction1 and third is direction2. (The direction will be generated randomly between direction1 and direction2)



Hemispheric Emitter


You can create a hemispheric emitter with a given radius, 1.2 for example, using


var hemisphericEmitter = particleSystem.createHemisphericEmitter(1.2);

The returned hemisphericEmitter object can be used to change the value of the radius.


The particles are emitted in the direction of the surface normals, ie the lines from the center of the hemisphere through a surface point.



With hemisphericEmitter.radiusRange you can define where along the radius the particles should be emitted. A value of 0 means only on the surface while a value of 1 means all along the radius.


Cylinder Emitter


You can create a cylinder emitter with a given radius, height, radiusRange, directionRandomizer with the following:


var cylinderEmitter = particleSystem.createCylinderEmitter(1,1,0,0);

The returned cylinderEmitter object can be used to change the value of the radius, height, etc.


The particles are emitted in the direction of the surface normals, ie outward from the cylinder




With cylinderEmitter.radiusRange you can define where along the radius the particles should be emitted. A value of 0 means only on the surface while a value of 1 means all along the radius. With cylinderEmitter.directionRandomizer can change how much to randomize the particles direction.


The createDirectedCylinderEmitter method takes three parameters in the following order


  • radius: Number,半径
  • height: Number,高度
  • radiusRange: Number,半径范围
  • direction1: Vector3, 方向1
  • direction2: Vector3, 方向2

The returned cylinderEmitter object can be used to change the values of these properties.


cylinderEmitter.radius = 3.4;
cylinderEmitter.direction1 = new BABYLON.Vector3(-5, 2, 1); 
cylinderEmitter.direction2 = new BABYLON.Vector3(5, 2, -1);

The first parameter is the radius the second is direction1 and third is direction2. (The direction will be generated randomly between direction1 and direction2)




Cone Emitter


To create a cone emitter you use, for example


var coneEmitter = particleSystem.createConeEmitter(2, Math.PI / 3);

The createConeEmitter method takes two parameters in the following order


  • radius: Number;半径
  • angle: Number, measured in radians, the vertex angle of the cone. 角度,以弧度度量,指圆锥的顶角角度

The cone is created with its axis along the Y-axis and its vertex at the bottom.


With coneEmitter.radiusRange you can define where along the radius the particles should be emitted. A value of 0 means only on the surface while a value of 1 means all along the radius.


The same applies to coneEmitter.heightRange: you can define where along the height the particles should be emitted. A value of 0 means only on the top surface while a value of 1 means all along the height.


Here is an example of a particle system emitted only from the outside of a flat cone: https://www.babylonjs-playground.com/#B9HKG0#1 -


The returned coneEmitter object can be used to change the values of these properties.


coneEmitter.radius = 3.4;
coneEmitter.angle = Math.PI / 2;//可见所谓顶角是指整个夹角

With coneEmitter.emitFromSpawnPointOnly = true you can force the emitter to only emit particles from the spawn point (the start of the cone).




Noise texture


Starting with Babylon.js v3.3, you can now use noise texture to "perturbate" the position of particles. The noise texture is technically used to apply change to the direction of the particles:


var noiseTexture = new BABYLON.NoiseProceduralTexture("perlin", 256, scene);
noiseTexture.animationSpeedFactor = 5;
noiseTexture.persistence = 2;
noiseTexture.brightness = 0.5;
noiseTexture.octaves = 2;
particleSystem.noiseTexture = noiseTexture;
particleSystem.noiseStrength = new BABYLON.Vector3(100, 100, 100);

Alongside setting the noiseTexture you can also control the strength applied on each axis with particleSystem.noiseStrength.


Demo can be found here: https://www.babylonjs-playground.com/#R1JWLA#3 -


GPU Particles


Starting from Babylon.js v3.2, you can leverage a new WebGL2 feature, the transform feedback buffer, to drastically boost the performance of particles. Whereas regular particles use the CPU for animation and the GPU for rendering the new WebGL2 API allows Babylon.js to use the GPU for both animation and rendering. With GPU particles, everything is offloaded to the GPU.

Babylon.js3.2版开始,你可以使用一个新的WebGL2特性——变换反馈缓存,来强烈的提升粒子的表现。相对于普通的粒子使用CPU处理动画、使用GPU处理渲染,新的WebGL2 API允许Babylon.js使用GPU处理动画和渲染。使用GPU粒子技术,所有的东西都将推给GPU处理。

Unfortunately this feature is only available when WebGL2 is available. You can use BABYLON.GPUParticleSystem.IsSupported to detect if GPU particles can be used. When they are supported, GPU particles can almost be used like regular particles:


var particleSystem = new BABYLON.GPUParticleSystem("particles", { capacity:1000000 }, scene);

As CPU is no longer involved, you can go crazy with active particles (1000000 in this example). Also, you can use particleSystem.activeParticleCount to define the number of active particle count if you want to limit the GPU usage.


Note: Sub emitters are not supported in GPU particles.



Random Texture


It is a shame but there is no good way to get random numbers when running on the GPU. To fill this gap, Babylon.js will create a texture filled with thousands of random values. These values will be read by the particle update shader to animate the particles. By default the biggest supported texture size is used (16K). You may want to reduce the size of this texture by initializing the system like this:


var particleSystem = new BABYLON.GPUParticleSystem("particles", { capacity:1000000, randomTextureSize: 4096 }, scene);



As the GPUParticleSystem and the ParticleSystem share almost all their API, it is easy to switch from one to another when WebGL2 is not supported. Keep in mind that the CPU cannot animate as many particles as the GPU can. So you will probably have to reduce the capacity of your system when not using the GPUParticleSystem.


Stopping a GPU Particle System


When calling system.stop() on a GPUParticleSystem object, you will force the system to stop generating new particles. But particles will still be rendered even if not visible.


To completely stop a GPUParticleSystem, you have to call dispose() on it.


Unsupported Features


The following features are not supported by GPU particles due to their inner nature:


  • ManualEmitCount 现有发射计数
  • Custom effects 自定义效果
  • Animation sheets 动画分片
  • disposeOnStop 停止时自动释放
  • Dual values per gradient (only one value is supported) 每个梯度的二元值(只支持一个确定值)
  • Emit rate gradients are not supported  发射频率梯度不支持
  • Start size gradients are not supported 起始尺寸梯度不支持




Next step


ParticleSystems are very powerful and versatile tools that can help bring realness and movement to your scenes. Don’t hesitate to use them as they are not resource-intensive.


Stay with us, because we are going to learn a new, very interesting thing: Configuring your environment.


Further Reading


Basic - L1 基础-等级1

Particles Overview 粒子概述
Particle Helper
Mesh Overview

How to Create Animated Particles 如何建立具有动画效果的粒子
How to Use Sub Emitters

Solid Particle System 实体粒子系统

Intermediate - L2 中等-等级2

How to Customize the Particle System 如何自定义粒子系统
How to Create animated particles




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